Looking for an easier way to teach long division? Our FREE differentiated long-division worksheets use visuals to help students learn faster!
Teachers and students love this simple approach that can be customized to meet the needs of every student.
Grab these differentiated long division worksheets FREE while boosting student and teaching success!

Long division and student struggles
Long division can be challenging for both teachers and students.
Students often struggle to remember the steps and multiplication facts.
Teachers are hard-pressed to find ways to help their students process the numerous steps involved. They often rely on tricks, pneumonic devices, posters, and other activities to push students in the right direction.
Common issues students face:
- Not knowing basic multiplication and division facts
- Difficulty understanding the steps of the long division process
- Failure to align their numbers and columns correctly
- Mess handwriting that causes their numbers to be unreadable
Fortunately, there are simple methods and tools available that can help your students finally grasp hold of this important procedure.

About differentiated long division
Learning the steps of long division can be difficult, but this visual strategy makes it smoother.
By using shapes to guide students through the process, they’ll gain a better understanding of the steps, and mastering long division will feel easier.
Remembering “Circles go with circles” and “Squares go with squares” is all students need to get started.
This differentiated strategy benefits students
These long division practice pages use graphic organizers and help students in a few different ways:
- Guide visual learners through the long division process
- Alignment of numbers and columns
- Neatness and number size – improves graphomotor skills
- Essential for visual learners and visual discrimination
- Organized writing = organized thinking
Remember – Proper alignment is critical to success with multiplication and long division!

Use this strategy in your classroom
You can use these visual long division practice worksheets today to help your students:
- Differentiate and support individual student needs by providing just the right level of support
- Scaffold and individualize as students work toward independence
- Introduct long division to your class with these worksheets
- Use during small group time or individually for practice and re-teaching with the teacher’s guidance focusing on needed skills
- Re-teach and review with struggling students – they’re perfect for intervention and RTI
- Assign as homework or independent work

Video directions for this differentiated long-division method
Where can I get these long-division worksheets for FREE?
You can grab two different sets of shaped math long division organizers.
1. The first way to try these long division practice pages is by signing up for emails. You’ll receive two practice pages featuring the shaped long division organizer and one page to try graph paper long division (using graph paper grids). Complete directions are included.
2. The second way to try these practice pages is by visiting my Teachers Pay Teachers shop.
There, you can download a beginner’s set of two different practice worksheets featuring free 3-digit ÷ 1-digit long division without remainders.

Be sure to take advantage of the FREE long division graphic organizer worksheets! Download both sets today!
More articles about long division:
- How to Teach Multi-Digit Multiplication and Long Division – This blog article will introduce you to my differentiated multiplication and long division resources. Plus, you’ll learn exactly how I taught these important skills and how I used the Shaped Math resources in my classroom.
- Graph Paper Math Intervention – This blog article explains how to use graph paper grids as a quick and easy math intervention resource with your students. In addition, it includes links to free printable graph paper and ideas about using it in your classroom.
- How to Solve Long Division Problems – This article lists every step for solving long division. It’s a great refresher.
- 9 Top Tips for Teaching Long Division – practical and easy to implement tips and ideas.
More Differentiated Long Division Resources:
- Long Division Differentiated Worksheets and Organizers – Visit TPT to see the complete set of organizers and worksheets in the original set.
- All Division Resources – Check out all the multiplication resources in our TPT shop.
- 2-Digit Divisors Long Division Differentiated Worksheets and Organizers – When you get ready to move on to 2-digit divisors, this is the perfect resource for teaching advanced long division with your students.
- 2 Digit Multiplication Worksheets and Organizers – Differentiated Resource – Visit TPT to see the organizers and worksheets included in this original set.
Articles about Multi-Digit Multiplication:
- 3 Ideas for Teaching Multi-Digit Multiplication – 3 FAST ideas for teaching multi-digit multiplication. These interventions are easy and quick for busy teachers.
- 2-Digit Multiplication Worksheets: Differentiated – Here’s a visual method for teaching 2-digit multiplication using differentiated visual cues to guide students’ learning for success.
- 2-Digit Multiplication Made Easier! – Here’s the easiest way to teach double-digit multiplication using graphic organizers and worksheets.

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